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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Quick Pickled Watermelon Radish

Recipe by: Lachlan (Sohip Farmer & Foodie!)

makes 1 x 375ml jars -  25min


Watermelon radishes have to be one of the most beautiful vegetables we grow on the farm. Looking at their exterior you wouldn’t think so, but slice into one and you are met with a burst of the deepest pinks, flecked with whites shooting out like a star from the centre of the radish. You can eat these radishes like you’d eat regular radishes, and typically they have a milder flavour, although the last batch we harvested certainly still had a solid kick! One of the best ways to showcase this beautiful vegetable is to throw them in a quick pickle that you can then use to brighten up a salad, or add some crunch to a simple sandwich. This pickle recipe is a great way to add some zing and sweetness to the peppery spice of the radish, resulting in a much smoother taste that doesn’t leave your nostrils flaring from the kick.



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