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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Our Story

We are 3 generations on a small-scale regenerative farm…And together we have a desire to feed our local community with organic, wholesome and sustainable food

For a moment.

Imagine a future...

Where small ecological farms feed their local communities.

What a vision, right?!

That’s the future we want for our kids.

Much of what we eat can be grown and produced in a much more sustainable way. This is what we and many other farmers are ready to do.

When you buy from a local farmer...

Who cares about the future, the soil, the food they grow, the people they feed and the community they live in…

Know that you’re not only filling your belly with ‘oh so fresh’ goodness...

But you’re also playing an integral part in the change we all wish to see.

Let us introduce ourselves!

We are family run and owned...
3 families living and working together, and at our core we bloody love growing soul food that forges a relationship between you and ourselves the farmers

How did it all start?

At the end of 2019, we packed our bags, left our careers and moved across the border to embark on our farming journey.

Located in the stunning Lorne Valley on the Mid North Coast, Our Certified Organic Farm has come to life.

Using small-scale farming practices we produce food:

Without degrading the soil - we use minimum tillage techniques to ensure our soil and its life forms are not destroyed. Minimum tillage reduces the depth and frequency of soil disturbance to ensure our soil is disturbed as little as possible,

We use ZERO chemical pesticides or chemical fertiliser - we use nets, biological controls, our own compost and liquid organic Nitrogen from non-animal protein sources, and

Without monocultures - we rotate our vegetables with each change in the season and we grow up to 30 varieties of herbs and vegetables in each field along with hedge rows, natural bushland and flower beds to maintain healthy populations and diversity of animals and insects.

We are working toward being 100% sustainable and growing food that in a way that reduces more carbon than it creates and regenerates the landscape.

Our mission is to feed our community with fresh, wholesome food that is grown in a sustainable way

Our Commitment to you

Integrity - Honesty and Transparency in everything we do.

Respect & Kindness – Between people and the environment.

Generosity - Ensuring our employees and fellow farmers receive their fair share for the efforts they put in.

Quality – Our endeavour is to grow, harvest and deliver the highest standards of produce possible.

Sustainability – Every goal we have as a family, farm and a business is striving towards being sustainable in everything we do.

Why are we doing this?

Well, these are some of the questions that brought us to where we are today.

Can small scale family farms thrive once again?

Can we farm in synchronicity with nature?

Will we be able to farm, raise a family and still have a holiday at least once a year?

Can we produce food that is not only 100% sustainable but that actually reduces more carbon than it creates and regenerates the landscape?

Will people buy our food and support small scale organic farming practices?

We are on a journey to see if these questions can be answered.

Being a part of the solution is our focus.

So here we are, taking a leap of faith, at times scared out of our minds at the job ahead.

We have had many failures already (lessons is a better word!) and we are aware of the significant challenges and hard work yet to come.

What keeps us inspired and motivated is the many people who are embarking on a similar journey...

Be it those who have decided to be the ecological farmer or those who are supporting these farmers.

We are on a mission in hope of the answer being YES to...

Thriving small-scale farms,

Farms synchronised with nature,

Family-friendly lifestyle,

100% sustainable, and

Community support!

We would love for you to join us on our journey!