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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

EVENT: ‘Know Your Food, Know Your Farmer’ evening at Sohip Farm

G'Day Folks,

What started with a phone call from a young man looking for a new adventure roughly 8 months ago, has grown into a close friendship and a new family member. You may have seen his face on our socials during harvest or when we were building the coolroom, or maybe you've tried out one of his simple yet delicious recipes? His name is Lochie and he has joined our family here on the farm with his dog Vinnie and hopefully very soon his partner Liana.

This introduction is clearly late, but in order to give credit where it is due, Lochie’s passion for all things connected to a love of good food has inspired our latest Sohip event. At first his idea was to hold a small dinner party with friends and family, where he would cook a delicious meal for everyone to enjoy, with produce from our farm and the farms that surround us. But there was a deeper desire to hold something bigger, but that wouldn't add too much pressure to what is already a busy time of year for us farmers (Spring).


So without further ado, on behalf of Lochie and the rest of my family we would like to invite you to our very first dinner here on the farm. Now it's nothing fancy, so don't go expecting a fully catered event with a four course dinner and small orchestra. But instead a wholesome night of home cooked meals, conversations about the things we love, a chance to mingle with many of the local organic and regenerative farmers from nearby and if you're up to it, a boogy on the dance floor (a.k.a pack shed), Steve and Rebecca from Petal and Sprout Farm will no doubt lead the way!

If you have read our newsletters before, you will know the most important part of what we do is connecting with people who share the same values and passions for good food and farming. But what stops many events from occurring is the pressure these events can add to an already busy life. However, we realised we don't need fancy to connect, we don't need it to have bells and whistles to be enjoyable. All we need is each other, good food, good music and a couple of blazing fire pits to gather around and connect.

So we are going to do something we have done many times before, which is a potluck dinner. Ourselves and the other local organic and regenerative farmers have hosted multiple potluck dinners over the years, where we each bring a small meal to share, lay it all out on a couple of tables, crack open a beer or wine and simply catch up with what's going on around a fire. It never ceases to amaze me how good the food is and for us farmers it's a chance to vent our frustrations, share our struggles, collaborate on ideas and inspire each other to keep moving forwards despite our challenges. Not once have I left one of these evenings without feeling recharged and invigorated about why I am doing what I am doing and it's about time we opened this little circle to people who are just as important as the rain that falls from the sky, yes I'm talking about YOU! We shall call YOU ‘The Eater’ or ‘The Good Food Advocate’ or maybe ‘Good Food Ambassador’ has a better ring to it? Hopefully, after having attended an evening with us farmers we can call each other by our names.


But I'm not trying to pump up your tyres here, we don't exist without all of our loyal supporters, so why are we having dinners without them? I guess it's because until now we've always put it in the too hard basket, always dreamed of one of these evenings happening but feeling too overwhelmed about orchestrating some sort of spectacular and professional event. Truth be told, we're just worried about letting our customers down and losing them all together. Which is such a stupid thought, but that's how much you all mean to us.

Whenever we held an open day here on the farm in the past, the tension slowly builds weeks before we opened the gates. The day before the whole family is dreading it, we are nervous and overthinking the whole event. Yet every time it is a great day, we make it up as we go along and by the end of it we are sitting around having a cuppa and cake feeling pumped up and re-inspired about what we are doing again.


Our hopes are that this is the beginning of many evenings where we build a community of like minded folk through getting to know each other. The idea is to hold dinners hosted at different farms, with people who share the same values right across the mid north coast. A community of organic farmers and organic ambassadors sharing their passion for delicious food, healthy humans and a healthy planet. For more information please follow this link and keep an eye out on our socials for the upcoming dinner on the 30th November.

Have a great week legends!

Thank YOU for joining us on this epic journey & supporting Your local farmer!


Great idea. Be there with bells on.

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