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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Sohip Farmer Updates

Here is where we share our journey, our mission and our passion as a family owned small-scale regenerative farm in Lorne, NSW, Australia

From 200m of garden bed to almost 3km!!! And another 1km coming soon!

From 200m of garden bed to almost 3km!!! And another 1km coming soon!

At the beginning of 2020 we started our Market Garden with 200m of garden bed or roughly one third of your standard residential housing block. Since then... You all have helped us: Grow that 200m of garden bed to almost 3km!!! of Garden Bed with another 1km in the making, Increased our soil organic matter from 2% to over 6%…

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It’s Time For Communities To Get Their Power Back

It’s Time For Communities To Get Their Power Back

Let’s talk about the now historic once prolific ‘Family Farm’. After all, the health of the food we eat and the environment we depend on relies on the people running the farms. This is a fundamental part of food production and environmental protection which is often overlooked. Since the last blog post, it's pretty much rained every day until today. As I sit here typing I’m looking out at a glorious sunset.
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Why Are We Doing This?

Why Are We Doing This?

Grab a cuppa, settle in and please join us in singing Rain, Rain, Go Away… We just copped 90mm of rain over night… It’s 5:24pm Thursday and as I type the rain is belting down again, all this after a measly 4 days of sunshine. Laying awake at night listening to the pounding on the rooftop makes us nervous about what we'll wake up too.
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Is Organic Really Better?!

Is Organic Really Better?!

There’s always been a big debate... On whether an organically grown veg holds more nutrients and is, therefore, better for you than a non-organic veggie. Well if we can ignore the horrendous chemicals used in non-organic farming for a second, then it really comes down to what is in the soil. Whether your organic or non-organic really doesn’t matter (again....leaving the chemical issues to the side), it all depends on…
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It’s Been Hard…

It’s Been Hard…

This Weeks Update Isn't Sunshine, But The Silver Linings Are Spirit-Lifting!! It has been devastating for those affected by the floods and relentless for us farmers. Our morale has been at an all-time low after losing so many crops to the constant deluges of rain... Add to this, packing your veggie boxes this week and there being so much missing produce. It has been hard...

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Our Delicious Dragon Fruit!

Our Delicious Dragon Fruit!

This week on the farm we’ve experienced much of what the entire east coast of OZ has experienced minus the flooding (thank god). It has been such a difficult time to grow throughout this very wet summer and to see farmers struggle through these days only to be finished off with a flood washing years of hard work away is truly heartbreaking.

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