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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Our Delicious Dragon Fruit!

Gday Folks,

This week on the farm we’ve experienced much of what the entire east coast of OZ has experienced minus the flooding (thank god).

It has been such a difficult time to grow throughout this very wet summer and to see farmers struggle through these days only to be finished off with a flood washing years of hard work away is truly heartbreaking.

For many farmers impacted by the floods, this is the end of the road, they simply cannot continue.

Our weekly farm updates weren’t supposed to be so gloomy, but it’s hard to avoid some gloom with what we have all been witnessing.

But here’s the upside, what we and many other small scale farmers are trying our hardest to do, is design and operate a truly sustainable farm that is resilient to the increasing shocks of climate change.

We are putting blood, sweat and tears…

Into a future where the food you eat can come from the community you live in, we have a long way to go, but with your support in this mission we will find out what’s possible.

What’s Fresh This Week At Sohip?

Our Delicious Dragon Fruit Are Ripe and Ready for picking! Be quick, they go fast in these parts.

Our Signature Salad Mix is still looking great and will be our number 1 fresh vegetable until the cooler and drier conditions arrive, then it will be the winter crops time to shine.

Red Cherry Bell Radishes will be the perfect size and a great compliment to the Salad Mix.

Pineapple Sage is looking lushes and if you haven’t tried this in a Salad Mix then give it ago, you will be unbelievably surprised how much it tastes like Pineapple!

We will be harvesting a mix of Pumpkins this week including Jarrahdale, QLD Blue, Sweet Sugar and a couple of others, be sure to look out for them this weekend on our Online Store!

The Online Shop Has Been Restocked With All These Goodies and More!

Dragon Fruit Deliciousness!! Check this Beauty Out!

This week our newest team member Nathan had a wet welcome to the farm where it never stops raining!! So, it was only right that he got to eat the first ripe Dragon Fruit of the season.

Have a great weekend folks, and as always thank you so much for your love and support, we get so many beautiful messages from you which really do lift our spirits when things are tough on the Farm, do not underestimate how much your kind words mean to the entire Sohip Family.

We hope all of you have stayed safe during these treacherous conditions and cross our fingers we can avoid any flooding over the next weeks very wet forecast.

Big Love,


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