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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

From 200m of garden bed to almost 3km!!! And another 1km coming soon!

G’Day Folks,

Well its been a few weeks since the last update hasn’t it..

We hope you’ve been well!

We're well and truly over complaining about the rain, so we've promised ourselves and others to focus on the positives.

So what’s been happening...

Well, we have been making the most of the dry weather (Wooohoo!)…

And putting truck loads of compost down to plant more veg in new beds…

And spending a lot more time harvesting now we have more veg available (another big Woohoooooo!!).

We’ve also been receiving lots of great feedback…

On how we can get our organic veg into your bellies…

With the least amount of fuss!

At the end of this post don’t miss the exciting changes coming...

But first...

We thought we'd take this chance to let you all know how much of a difference you have made every time you’ve purchased a box of veg from our little family farm.

At the beginning of 2020 we started our Market Garden with 200m of garden bed or roughly one third of your standard residential housing block.

Since then...

You all have helped us:

  • Grow that 200m of garden bed to almost 3km!!! of Garden Bed with another 1km in the making
  • Increased our soil organic matter from 2% to over 6% which means our soil is becoming more like the forest floor as it use to be many, many years ago. Our soil now has luxury levels of all the macro and micro nutrients required to grow some of the healthiest chemical free veggies around
  • And last but not least it has allowed us to feed over 60 families each and every week with food that is grown in a way that heals the earth and human

Our goal is to feed as many people in our local community as this little farm can achieve in a sustainable way.

We really do believe small scale local regenerative farms are the solution to so many of the issues we see today...

From social, economic, environmental, human health and beyond.

And we know you believe change can happen too!

Your support is making change happen, you're doing much more than our entire political system is doing just but supporting a local farmer.

You may have heard the saying ‘Be the change you wish to see’, well, that’s exactly what you're doing!

Instead of just talking about it too friends and family at a BBQ... You're actually doing something on a weekly or fortnightly basis that is creating real change.

I don’t think this can be said too many times...

Its really happening, this is not Greenwashing, where actually doing something about the mess we’ve all had a hand in creating...

Consciously or unconsciously we made this mess and its up to ordinary folk like us to do our part for the next generation.

As promised at the start of this post…. Last but not least…

Get Ready!!

Here’s some of the exciting changes coming all thanks to your amazing feedback!

For the rest of May!FREE Home Deliveryon all orders over $60! SAVE $10! (*selected areas learn more here) - Until 9pm Sunday 29th May we will be doing all home deliveries for FREE on orders over $60.

Starting June! Free Home Deliveries on all order over $90 (this will be a permanent feature from now on!)

Starting June! Reduced Delivery Fee – after our free home delivery rate expires end of May, we will be announcing our reduced delivery fee making it as affordable and accessible as possible for people to receive our veg boxes

Starting June 7th! Shorter Delivery Cycle: TUE Pick-Up / WED Home Delivery! – Order by Sunday night and pickup your order Tuesday afternoon or have delivered to your door Wednesday (starting Tuesday 7th of June!)

Coming Soon! Updated Online Store! – we are currently working on a NEW online shop! With a focus on making ordering easier and quicker each week. We want you to be able to get what you need in 5mins or less if possible

Coming Soon! Multiple Delivery Days – we will be doing veg box drop offs to pick-up points every Tuesday and Thursday, with Home Deliveries every Wednesday and Friday (we expect this to occur sometime in July/August)

Coming Soon! More Pick-up Locations – we will be asking people to suggest additional pickup location where 5 or more people can place orders each week (expect this to occur in July/August)

Lot’s happening…

And we hope you’re as excited as we all are!

We appreciate your support, encouragement and feedback more than words can do justice! Thank you so much.

Have an amazing week ahead!

Big Love,

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