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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Wombok HALF - (Bauer Farm - QLD)


While the green leaves can be slightly peppery, the thick white ribs are sweet and juicy. The inner leaves are particularly tender and succulent. Perfect for use in a coleslaw or shredded on a sandwich or hamburger. Shredded it is also a key ingredient in dumplings and rolls. Korean relish kim chee can be made from wombok pickled in salt, garlic and chilli. It can also be used in soups, casseroles or stir fries. The leaves can be used as wrappers for other foods during steaming.

Chinese cabbage is a cool weather crop that prefers short days. It is grown and harvested in a similar way to cabbage.

Wombok is a good source of vitamin C and also provides some dietary fibre.
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