This Farmers Thoughts And Reflection After Another Week
G'Day Folks,
It's easy to forget why we are all involved in this. Some of us try to convince ourselves it's about saving the planet, some of us force ourselves to believe that without organic farming, our human and planetary health will continue to be destroyed. We create narratives around community and connection, the importance of holding onto a way of life that seems to be slipping away. What do you tell yourself when you spend the extra money to buy our vegetables? How would you explain it to someone who couldn't possibly understand why on earth you would pay more for your food, when you can get it somewhere else cheaper? Do you know anyone like that? Is he sitting next to you as you read this? Hahaha, I'm poking fun, I know only too well, because I was that husband who questioned my wife when we were paying more money for something I didn't believe in or understand.
Is it really just about the absence of chemicals? Is it really just about your health? Is it solely for the taste and freshness? Or are you just believing that you're doing your bit to save the planet? There's nothing wrong with any of these beliefs by the way, you can believe in just one of them or all of them, and many more that take your fancy.

By now you might start to question why I am overanalysing the meaning of what we are doing this for, and you would be right to think that. This weekend's weather events brought back vivid memories of the March 2021 floods which wiped out our farm. Friday night I laid in bed listening to the roar of rain crashing into our corrugated iron roof, and the gurgling and bubbling sounds created by the water overflowing our gutters. My mind was restless, I wondered what would motivate me to keep going should we have to start again like we did the last time it flooded. How many setbacks could my family endure, what was it that would keep us going?
The problem with trying to convince yourself or anyone else for that matter, that it's because of something external, is that we humans are very clever at coming up with excuses. Just take a look at the infinite stream of content you can find on social media. There you will find an endless sea of tribes that will give you the answers you are looking for. Anytime your conscience makes you question your choices, anytime it makes you feel uncomfortable, if you reach into your pocket, you will find a chorus of voices who tell you why you're doing the right thing and that you don't need to change. This is the great danger of social media, it provides convincing arguments for our dogmatic and prejudiced beliefs. It preys on our insecurities and fears, it has the potential to turn our nightmares into realities. But like a sword, it cuts both ways and can turn our dreams into realities also. Shared human beliefs are far more potent and powerful than any nuclear bomb or charismatic despot.

Wherever you find your mind and hearts peace and happiness is up to you, we are all on our own journeys and peace and happiness can be found at a multitude of different stations along the way. But if it ever begins to waiver like mine has in the past, if you ever feel the need to defend your beliefs against the beliefs of others, if you ever catch yourself thinking poorly of someone who doesn't hold your views, if you are ever trying desperately to change the minds of those around you before it's too late! I'm telling you for your own sake just stop, because you're not trying to convince the world, you're trying to convince yourself. You're not trying to spread peace and happiness, you're desperately trying to cling onto it because you feel it slipping between your fingers after having fooled yourself you had a strong grasp.
What will motivate us after the next flood or bushfire (which is inevitable) is love, it is what will motivate my family and I know deep down it's what motivates you. What I used to think was slightly strange now seems obvious. I would regularly think to myself and hear other people comment “everyone we deliver the veggies too and everyone who is attracted to this world of organic are all so joyful and full of love”. As I sat on our deck with Emily having a cuppa at the end of last week, we were discussing all of the wonderful interactions between ourselves and the people who eat our food, just as that conversation was happening, one of our customers were driving past after collecting their veg box, they pulled over wished us all the best for the new year and said “I just want you to know that my life is so much better because you're in it”. That brings tears to my eyes now as I write this, the same tears I had to hold back in the moment when those words reached my ears and trickled down to my heart.